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english penny造句

"english penny"是什么意思  
  • An example is at Talk : History of the English penny ( 1066-1154 ).
  • Many metallic objects were found in the elephant's stomach, including English pennies, keys, rivets, and a police whistle.
  • The Penguin Special edition originally cost 6d ( six old English pennies ) and sold a hundred thousand copies.
  • The modern form is " sgillinn ", literally " shilling ", which reflects the fact that at the English penny.
  • The design and specifications of the English penny were unchanged by the Union, and it continued to be minted in silver after 1707.
  • Although the first request was not met, the second was and the Scottish shilling was given the fixed value of an English penny.
  • The new Penny Post was influential in establishing a model system and pattern for the various Provincial English Penny Posts in the years that followed.
  • Nor is there evidence that many English pennies were circulating in Normandy, which shows little attempt to integrate the monetary systems of England and Normandy.
  • Sixteen String Jack features prominently in the English penny dreadful " Black Bess; or, The Knight of the Road " by Edward Viles ( 1866 ).
  • The English penny first appeared in troy pound, or about 1.56 grams ), with the difference being a premium attached by virtue of the minting into coins.
  • It's difficult to see english penny in a sentence. 用english penny造句挺难的
  • The use of Latin seems to suggest that he was already baptised at this time but on the other hand the coins were imitating English pennies in type and style.
  • The gathering dealt with the organizational structure of the IWA and approved a uniform rate of dues of one English penny per capita, to be paid quarterly to the General Council in London.
  • The images were uploaded and used on History of the English penny ( c . 600-1066 ) by User : Arichis with the template and a note that they came from his own collection.
  • Thus anyone who remains on the level standing pays only one English penny : but if he wants to sit, he is let in at a farther door, and there he gives another penny.
  • If he desires to sit on a cushion in the most comfortable place of all, where he not only sees everything well, but can also be seen then he gives yet another English penny at another door.
  • Some of these can be astounding : Searching for a flight from London to Norway in mid-November, a would-be traveler found Ryanair offering a round-trip ticket in December for just 2 English pennies ( less than 4 U . S . cents ).
  • Tunnelling down through the links from there, I found Penny, British one penny coin, Penny ( British pre-decimal coin ), History of the British penny, Penny ( English coin ), History of the English penny ( 1154-1485 ) ( other periods and no doubt other articles availble ! ).
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